

我们理解在mg冰球突破豪华版试玩中导航可能会产生问题. 提供清晰和透明, 我们整理了一份与我们的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩相关的常见问题清单. 如果您有其他疑问,请直接与我们联系.




我们星期一到星期五上午8点到下午5点接听电话. 我们很乐意回答你们的任何问题.

我们遵守所有联邦法律, 状态, 以及当地法律,并将提供不分种族的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩, color, 宗教, 性, 障碍, 申请人/居民的家庭状况或国籍. 当你的家需要mg冰球突破豪华版试玩时, 我们使用专业的供应商(油漆工), 多面手, 水管工, 地毯清洁剂, 等等)而不是街上的某个人.



我们提供详细的入住表格,以提供您租赁条件的适当文件. 我们也给你一个星期的时间来报告任何额外的情况.



当你签租约的时候, you have a meeting with one of our leasing agents to go over all parts of the lease to help ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities under the lease.


如果该物业在我们的网站上列出,它仍然可用. 因为我们每天24小时通过传真和电子邮件接收申请, 我们永远不知道什么时候会有新的申请. 当你递交申请的时候, we will email or call you within one business day to let you know the status of your application. If another application is ahead of you, you may choose to wait or receive a refund of any fees paid. Once we begin processing your application you will either get offered the property or be rejected. 如果在你前面的人被批准拿走了财产, 您的申请对于我们管理的任何其他物业都是有效的.


只要给我们办公室打电话或发邮件预约. 我们很乐意按照你的时间表工作. 对不起,为了我们员工的安全,天黑后我们将停止放映.



是的,我们对待第8部分的申请人和其他人一样. 申请人仍然必须符合上述指导方针.

我们将考虑第8节并将其添加到收入中. Some properties may take co-signers to qualify for lack of income in addition to lack of credit 和 rental references.


我们会尽可能快地处理申请. 通常,我们不得不等待房东和雇主的回复电话.

我们必须核实你的工作,租赁记录和信用记录. We need the last two years of history from your l和lord(s) 和 this can be the most difficult part of your application to verify. 如果我们在获取信息方面有困难,我们会打电话给你. 如果我们不能快速验证信息,我们就必须转向另一个应用程序. 如果我们已经在处理别人对你申请的房产的申请, 您的申请可能需要等待该申请完成. Make sure the name of your l和lord is the owner of the property or the property management company. 提供日间电话号码可以缩短必须留下信息的周转时间.


An application is required for each person over the age of 18 that will be living on the property you wish to rent. 点击此处下载应用程序. 每人需要支付45美元的申请费来支付背景调查的费用. (Only one application fee per lifetime) is required to 股权集团 while you live in our rentals. 只有填写完整,签署并支付费用的申请才会被处理.

​It is critical that we have complete 和 accurate information from you to process the application. If we do not receive information back within one business day from first inquiry to your current/previous l和lord or current/previous employer, 它会延迟审批. It is our company policy to move to the next application if we are unable to verify your tenancy 和 employment references within one business day of application if there are other applications pending.



打电话给你以前的房东:一定要提供姓名和电话号码 & work preferred) of at least the previous two years’ worth of rental history from individuals not related to you.

一定要写上你搬进和搬出的日期以及确切的公寓号码. 如果你在租约上有室友的话, 他们的名字可以作为参考点, 也.

Verify your income source 和 level: Your legal 和 verifiable monthly income should be at least 2.租金的5 - 3倍. If you are self-employed please provide your latest tax returns 也 as 3 months worth of bank 状态ments. 请与您的推荐人联系,以便他们知道我们会打电话给他们. 如果你的雇主是一家不提供证明的大公司, 请提供至少一个月的工资单.

Pull a credit report for each applicant: We use the credit report to tell us if you have a history of honoring contractual agreements 和 paying bills on time. If you have open collections to a previous l和lord, your application will be automatically denied. If you have a low credit score (below 500) you will likely need to pay a higher security deposit or have a co-signer.

Check the courts for prior criminal 和 civil actions: We check court records to see if you have any felony convictions or drug (even misdemeanor) convictions. 如果有重罪的话, 毒品定罪, 或者在过去五年内被驱逐, 申请将被自动拒绝.

如果我需要帮助来获得资格呢? 你能让我找人共同签字吗?

如果你没有信用证明或租赁证明,有些房产会接受共同签署人. If that is the case we will accept a co-signer that has verifiable income sufficient to qualify for both their living situation 和 for the property they are co-signing, 联署人的信用评分必须在700分以上. 共同签署人必须完整填写我们的申请并支付申请费, 哪些是不能退款的.


由于保险费用的限制, EGPM不允许以下类型的狗在我们的任何物业. 比特犬,2只. 罗纳维尔犬3. Chow Chow, 4岁. 杜宾猎犬,5岁. 德国牧羊犬,6岁. 美国斯塔福犬,7岁. 8 .野狗,如郊狼、狼和澳洲野狗. 獒犬,9. 秋田犬,10. 牛头獒,11. Presa Canario, 12岁. 雪橇犬,13. 拳击手,14. 在血统上有上述品种的任何一种狗.

一般来说,多户住宅是不允许养宠物的. 如果房产允许养宠物, the applicant will pay an additional pet deposit 和 a pet-charge of $25 per pet will be assessed each month, 该付那个月的房租了.

宠物必须进行绝育手术,所有宠物都必须适当接种疫苗. The pet owner must keep the animal from causing damage or disruption 和 cared for in a safe 和 healthy manner. Service animals as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act are exempt from these fees but must still be cared for as listed above.


租期的长短可以有所不同. 与租赁代理讨论这个问题.


您需要携带存款金额的证明资金(银行支票或汇票). 当你在预定入住的那天来拿钥匙的时候, you will need to bring certified funds for the first month’s rent (or the prorated portion thereof if you move in after the 1st of the month). We will also need to take a photocopy of your driver’s license or other form of identification so we know that you are who you say you are!




Dinuba’s vibrant community, strategic location, 和 thriving local economy make it an ideal choice. 在住宅和商业领域都有机会, 迪努巴为寻求长期回报的投资者提供了多样化的投资机会.



里德利的房地产市场以其强大的农业实力而闻名,反映出稳定和增长. The city’s commitment to fostering a friendly environment positions 我从来 as an attractive choice for those looking to capitalize on a resilient 和 evolving market.



波特维尔成为加州房地产领域的战略投资中心. 人口不断增长,经济基础多样化, 波特维尔为住宅和商业企业提供了机会.

